PPSA publishes Annual Management Report 2021

Pre-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) published, this Friday (20), the Annual Management Report 2021, with consolidated information on the main results of the company. During the period, PPSA managed 17 production sharing contracts, with different activities in all projects. In 2021, 62 million barrels of oil were produced under this regime, almost four times more than the previous year – a record for PPSA. Of these, the Union was entitled to 3.9 million barrels. The report also addresses the company's important contribution to the Second Round of Bidding for Surplus Volumes of the Transfer of Rights, when the Sépia and Atapu fields were sold.

The document also provides information on the role of PPSA as a representative of the Union in the agreements for the individualization of production in non-contracted areas and as manager of the commercialization of the Union's share of oil and gas, an activity that resulted in a collection of R$ 1.22 billion to the public coffers. The value is a record since its creation in 2013.

Access the Annual Report of the Pre-Salt Oil Administration 2021: https://www.presalpetroleo.gov.br/ppsa/acesso-a-informacao/relatorios-da-administracao/