Production sharing contracts establish new record to kickstart 2023

Production was 845,000 barrels a day in January

Production sharing contracts broke a new record in January 2023, producing an average of 845,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil. This volume is almost double that recorded in January 2022. Out of seven contracts currently in production, four played a key role: Búzios, Sépia, Mero and Atapu.

Data are from the Monthly Bulletin of Production Sharing Contracts, published by Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA), contract manager. The January outcome is 11% higher than December 2021 due to an operational improvement in the Búzios Field, which yielded a volume of 428,000 bpd, followed by 212,000 bpd in Libra and 101,000 bpd in Sépia.

The Federal Government’s oil surplus also followed this increase, with a production of 42.9 thousand bpd. The main contributions were from Libra (32.17 thousand bpd) and Búzios (6.04 thousand bpd). For comparison purposes, in January 2022, the Federal Government’s share was 16.7 thousand barrels per day.

The total accumulated production under the production sharing regime, since 2017, is 369 million oil barrels. The Federal Government’s accumulated share of oil in the same period is 22.76 million barrels.

Natural gas

In relation to natural gas with commercial use, the contracts showed production of 2.28 million m³/day. The yield is 17% higher than in the previous month due to the performance improvement in the Búzios Field, which was responsible for 2.12 million m³/day, followed by 140,000 m³/day in Entorno de Sapinhoá and 24,000 m³/day in Sudoeste of Tartaruga Verde.

The Federal Government’s share was 54,000 m³/day, 30,000 m³/day in Búzios, 24,000 m³/day in Entorno de Sapinhoá and 4 m³/day in Sudoeste Tartaruga Verde, for a 57% reduction in relation to previous period, due to instability in gas exports in Sapinhoá.

Since 2017, the accumulated volume of natural gas amounts to 1 billion m³. The surplus that the Federal Government is entitled to is 151.30 million m³.

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